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At The King’s CE School we seek to give every student the opportunity of personal achievement and the recognition of success. This is a particular strength of the school identified in the recent Inspection Report.

The Pastoral system encourages students to see themselves as an important member of their Form and House, and to see that their individual contribution to work, sport and behaviour can bring credit to themselves and their House.

Student achievement is recognised every day through verbal praise, but we also have more formal ways to record students’ success. Appropriate certificates are presented in assembly for inclusion in the student’s Record of Achievement.
Outstanding hard work and contribution to the school receives the Headteacher’s Merit Award. The student is seen individually by the Headteacher to receive this award.

Students can receive House Points, Commendations Certificates, Trophies, Letters of Commendation, Headteacher’s Merit Award, National Record of Achievement, Subject Prizes and Attendance Certificates. 

School Performance Tables

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