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Ethos & Values
Welcome from the Academy Chaplain

Mrs J Kudlacik

Working as a School Chaplain in such a vibrant and diverse school community, alongside dedicated colleagues and inquisitive and imaginative pupils is a constant source of joy and blessing. No two days are ever the same. But, what is a chaplain for?

In the words of a Year 7 pupil, ‘A chaplain is there to listen and care, to pray for and bless the school.’ My aim is to try and live up to that challenge.

For pupils and staff at St Regis, the work of the Chaplain includes:

  • Providing and coordinating opportunities for collective worship and reflection

  • Facilitating prayer spaces

  • Being available as a listening ear

  • Assisting with the process of restorative practice where relationships have broken down and need restoring or healing

  • Being available to pray for individuals, events or situations

  • Working with the pupils to explore and understand our emotions and the ways we might manage them in different situations

  • Leading and coordinating PSHE (Personal Social Health and Economic Education) and Citizenship lessons

  • Supporting those who are grieving or suffering

  • Engaging with pupils in outdoor spaces such as Gardening Club

St Regis CE Academy Verse

‘The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed… Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.’ Matthew 13 31-32

As a tiny mustard seed grows to become a great tree of life, at St Regis we strive to create an environment where our young people grow into happy and successful adults.

Academy Values






Collective Worship at St Regis

At St Regis we are founded upon Christian values. We have built in times for worship, opportunities to pause and reflect in our academy calendar. Students and colleagues of all faiths and of none are invited to consider our Big Questions of the week, and through thought and discussion, to be inspired and encouraged as they develop spiritually and flourish in the wider world.

Form, House & Whole School Worship

Tutors and their groups make time and space for worship together on a weekly basis. Pupils have the chance to reflect, to consider the impact of their thoughts on others, and make an individual response while going through the Bible reading and theme for the week.

At St Regis we also meet as a House each week for a worship led by a Senior Leader, the Chaplain, Ethos Co-ordinator, Head of House or an external visitor. At least once every term, there is an opportunity for the whole school to come together in worship.

Throughout the year we have other special services, celebrations of the Eucharist, and many exciting events to celebrate diversity, hope, and remembrance.

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