
Help Guides
Please find below various help guides for accessing the school VLE, OneNote services and free software.
Class Charts
Class Charts allows parents to keep track of their child’s behaviour, view attendance records, access their weekly timetable, view assigned homework tasks and more. Parents and students have spate logins whereby students can also see all their homework.
Logins are given out for parents at parents evenings along with a welcome pack. If you require a login for the service please email admin@kingswolverhampton.co.uk with your child’s details. For further help please see the guides below.
Detentions -Parent Guide
OneNote Notebooks
OneNote is a free notebook application from Microsoft that students use in school to record a lot of their work. The following guides demonstrate how students can access these notebooks from home.
Microsoft Teams
In Microsoft Teams your teacher can organize multiple class sections, create and grade assignments, collaborate with other teachers in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), and provide feedback to students.
SchoolComms and ParentPay
Please see the following link for more information regarding the SchoolComms and ParentPay apps used by the school.
The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a system for delivering learning materials to students via the web. These systems include assessment, student tracking, collaboration and communication tools.
Please see below for the parent guide for accessing the VLE to see a student's latest report.
Install Office at home for free
Please see below for a guide of how students can install Microsoft Office at home for free using their school email account.