
Sixth Form Leadership

Head Girl - Abigail Lawley
I am privileged to be part of The King’s Sixth Form and even more honoured to be Head Girl.Our School has given every individual, great opportunities to become independent young adults.This allows everyone to achieve their God given potential with our excellent range of Sixth Form teachers.
This Sixth Form prepares you for university or apprenticeships by giving you responsibilities, opportunities in work-based situations and independence during study or revision in your non-contact time.There are also a variety of important leadership roles available, such as Prefects, Charity Committee Members, and Mental Health First Aiders.
These roles are vital to the school’s successes, but also can enhance any USCA reference or Curriculum Vitae.The empathy and respect shown within this school is fantastic and will always stand out as a school that cares.They empower the students to develop their own life skills and to become well rounded, confident human beings.

Head Boy - Pavan Summan
During my 6 years at The Kings, I have always found myself in a nurturing environment which has given me many valuable opportunities such as work experience and careers fairs. In the Sixth Form there is a huge range of diversity amongst my peers, something that is unique and valuable to our school. Along with this there is a close-knit community in our Sixth Form where you can find everyone to be welcoming and immersed within The King's values of Responsibility, Empathy, Respect, and Forgiveness. Studying at King’s has allowed me to build key skills that are necessary to thrive at university.
Leadership Team