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This will be delivered through The King’s professional development programme, KPD comprising of four offers Bronze (Core), Silver (Core+), Gold (Core++) Platinum (Core+++).


o Bronze offer is for every member of staff.

  • Teaching staff have been put into teaching and learning communities (TLCs). Each TLC is made up of 4 teachers who all teach the same class – quad class. Each TLC will focus on the needs of their quad class and will complete an action research project during the year. This could be, for example, around an additional educational need, EAL, mixed attainment teaching or addressing the gender gap. The learning will focus on developing the teacher skills in learning dialogue and learning activity. There is a leader in each quad who facilitates the learning in the group and encourages members of the quad to pop-in when each other are teaching the class. This is an informal peer pop-in to enable sharing of good practice and feedback. 

  • Support staff will be put into support learning communities (SLCs). Each SLC will focus on an aspect of school management or operation.

o Silver offer is an open invitation to all members of staff to join a school improvement working party. This will be a voluntary role and an opportunity to work within a group to research good practice and to develop a new strategy and approach in school. The groups are set up for each year to reflect the school priorities.

o Gold offer will be applying and enrolling on a programme developed by The King’s and delivered by our own staff. Staff participating in these programmes will take on their own project with a view to introducing or refining whole school practice.

o Platinum offer will be the opportunity to apply for an external qualification such as the National Professional qualifications, a Masters in Education, Chartered Institute of Management, National Governance. If staff are interested in studying for an external qualification they need to book a time to meet and to discuss with the Principal.

  •  If staff apply for the Platinum offer and the school partly funds the training then the member of staff will agree to stay at the school for a certain number of years depending on how much funding the school provides. For example if the school funds 10% then member of staff stays


The entire curriculum at The King’s CE school is built on the rock solid foundation of the school’s vision statement that sits on the bedrock of the school’s Christian values and restorative practice.

Through our taught, enriched and experienced curriculum from year 7 through to year 13, we endeavour to make sure that each one of our pupils will leave The King’s


  •  as secure, contented, confident, empathetic and resilient young leaders with a drive to journey in faith without limits to succeed in their aspirational career ambitions

  • with the skills, passion, ability, knowledge and wisdom to transform their own lives and the local, national and international communities they will live in.

  • with a breadth of knowledge to inspire lifelong learning and discovery to fulfil their God-given potential

The continuum of the taught curriculum, blurring of the key stages, builds on prior learning, concepts and knowledge. It ensures every learner gains the core skills in numeracy and literacy whilst securing time to explore the full breadth of creative, technology, scientific and humanity subjects. There are opportunities to specialise and personalise the curriculum through curriculum pathways, interventions and option subjects to ensure the needs, interests, career ambitions of each individual pupil are met.

Each subject’s intent is mapped out to interweave the timely acquisition of skills and knowledge to engage, challenge, inspire and discover with awe and wonder. These, alongside a programme of personal development, careers and character education ensures The King’s is equipping every pupil with a secure foundation for their future lives.

The enriched curriculum allows every pupils to be courageous, grow in confidence and develop through the vast range of leadership roles, performing and competing within the Inter house sporting and Eisteddfod competitions as well as representing the school in local and national competitions.

All is experienced within the daily modelling of the school values, restorative practice and school’s vision statement that permeates every aspect of school life.

The Teaching and Learning Framework is summarised by the six elements given below.

  • Teaching and Learning Basics – to be insistent, persistent and consistent in ensuring the lesson routines, set pieces of teaching and learning, are evident and effective in every lesson every day.

  • Self Discipline for Learning – to be clear and consistent on the responses, rewards and sanctions, to celebrate and correct the pupils’ learning habits.

  • MetaCognition – to help pupils think about their own learning more explicitly and to teach specific strategies to the pupils to help them plan, monitor and evaluate their learning.

  • Character Education – to help pupils develop their character and virtues by the explicit and implicit activities within the taught and experienced curriculum.

  • Literacy – to support all pupils in all subjects develop their literacy skills.

  • Careers – to ensure every pupil has an informed career plan that is aspirational and achievable.

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