
Curriculum Overview
We endeavour to offer all our pupils an outstanding curriculum that equips them to meet the challenges they will face in the future, so maximising their life chances. We also strive to ensure our pupils leave The King’s as confident and independent individuals who are able to adapt to the many challenges in adult life.
There are three elements to The King’s curriculum: the taught curriculum, the extra-curricular and enrichment curriculum and the personal social curriculum experienced at the school.
The Taught Curriculum
In recent years the government conducted a major review of the National Curriculum and made changes to ensure ‘more rigour and greater challenge’ in all key stages as well as encouraging ‘deep learning’ in schools.
Key stage 3
During key stage 3 (Years 7/8/9) all pupils study the National Curriculum. Priority is given to the core subjects so almost half of the teaching time is given to English, Maths and Science whilst ensuring that time is given for the creative, humanities and technology subjects that provide the breadth of study for all. The number of periods, for each subject, in a two week timetable cycle.
KS3 Curriculum Maps with links to our school values
KS3 Curriculum
Computing in year 7 is a timetabled with year 9 on a carousel
PSHCE is taught by a team of teachers and is timetabled at different times for key stage 3 and years 10 and 11.
In year 7-9, pupils are taught either a grammar group or mixed ability teaching groups for all their subjects apart from Maths where the pupils are taught in ability groups after the first half term in the Autumn.
Key stage 4
The Key Stage 4 curriculum is taught in Years 10 and 11. At this stage pupils have some choice in which subjects they study and are guided in the choices they make. All pupils follow a core curriculum and then are guided on to one of three pathways. Two thirds of the timetabled cycle is given to the teaching of the core curriculum.
Core Curriculum
All pupils follow the core curriculum of English language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, either combined science or triple sciences and Religious Studies. Pupils will sit GCSE exams in these subjects. The core curriculum also includes PE and PSHE but there are no exams in these courses unless they have chosen PE as an option subject.
In year 7, students are taught in mixed ability teaching groups for all their subjects apart from Maths where the students are taught in ability groups after the first half term in the Autumn. Then in Year 8, students are taught in ability sets for all their subjects. Currently in year 9, students are taught in ability sets for the core subjects English, Maths and Science and are taught in mixed ability groups for all other subjects.