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Politici școlare

Academies are legally required to draw up and hold certain policies, some of which must be published on our academy website. These policies are detailed below, in alphabetical order, beginning with those hosted on our trust website. Paper copies of our statutory policies can be made available upon request.


Trust wide policies


Three Spires Trust has a number of Trust wide policies, listed below. Please click here to view these policies.


  • Charging and remissions policy

  • Child Protection and Safeguarding policy

  • Complaints policy

  • Data Protection policy

  • FOI and Publication Scheme

  • Inclusion Strategy

  • SEND policy

  • Suspension and Exclusion policy

  • Visitor policy

  • Whistleblowing policy

Academy policies

Admissions Arrangements

Politica anti-bullying

Politica de comportament pentru învățare

Politica de carieră

Politica de examene

Managementul Politicii de Prezență

Politica de prezență a elevilor

Politica de primă pentru elev

Sprijinirea elevilor cu nevoi medicale în școală

Politica RSE

Politică uniformă

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