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Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch Up Premium

Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch up funding is provided to support pupils who have not met the expected standard at the end of key stage 2.  


The funding enables additional interventions to be put in place that address any gaps in the pupils’ prior attainment and so ensures that all can make the expected progress through key stage 3 and key stage 4.   


Allocations for the financial year 2017 to 2019

In 2017 to 2018 schools will receive the same overall amount of year 7 catch-up premium funding they received in 2015 to 2016, adjusted to reflect the percentage change in the size of their year 7 cohort, based on the October 2016 census. In 2018/19 the funding will be based as previous years.


How the allocation was spent in 2017/18 
  • Small group work and intervention led by Teaching Assistants and teaching staff, which focused on developing reading, spelling and numeracy.

  • Accelerated reader is used to support pupils reading.

  • Mathswatch VLE

  • In class support for identified pupils

  • Year 7 Flying High Curriculum

  • Small class sizes

  • Reflective reading 

We held three parent information and consultation evenings during year to support parents in helping their child at home.   

How we intend to spend the allocation 2018/19 

Having reviewed the impact of the previous year’s interventions and assessment of the current cohorts the plan for 2018/19 is: 

  • Small group work and intervention led by Teaching Assistants and teaching staff, which focused on developing reading, spelling and numeracy.

  • Accelerated reader is used to support pupils reading.

  • Mathswatch VLE

  • In class support for identified pupils

  • Small class sizes 

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