Sixth Form Induction
Sixth Form Induction Week
The new Year 12 students at The King's CE School had a series of induction activities to prepare them for a successful launch to their A Level Studies.
Students were involved in two workshops led by The University of Lincoln - How to Make The Most Of Year 12 and Why go to University?
They also had a session of Study Skills with Elevate Education who showed them how to master their note taking and revision skills. This year Alumni Gurpreet Bahia spoke on how he achieved his top grades at his A Levels in 2014 and what inspired him to become a dentist studying at The University of Manchester.
Year 12 Student had a day of Employability Skills working with Apprenticeships UK and The Department Of Work and Pensions. We were privileged to host sessions from The Learn Play Foundation by a former Student James Mansell about how to get an apprenticeship in the competitive world of games design and other local employers.
The whole of Year 12 enjoyed a team building day at the Wildside Activity Centre where students participated in many challenges including canoeing and orienteering. Highlights were the canoe race and the wire fence exercise which allowed all students to develop positive working relationships within their form and with their sixth form tutor.
Year 13 students all attended a tour and Personal Statement Workshop at The University of Wolverhampton . They were led by Mrs Adams and Mr Rowley. The University were delighted with student participation:
"these students have been one of the best groups we have had on campus." Lydia Damms University Outreach Officer.
Year 12 Letters
Year 13 Letters
Alumni Students. Amarjit Singh, Kyran Sidhu, Stephen Gould (BSC Birmingham) and Jessica Labhart (MA Cambridge)